Day 1 – The Adventure Begins

crazy toronto traffic!

After battling failing trailer lights, stalled motorcycles (yes we ran out of gas) endless packing and increasingly ominous rain, which then joined up with gale force wind to blow us all around the highway we arrived this evening is the picturesque hamlet of Brighton, Ontario, via the ever-pleasant Highway 2.

It almost felt like Toronto did not want to let us go, slowing us down with traffic from the bottom of the Don Valley all the way out to Peterborough. But we beat it all, rain, wind, cold, disobedient vehicles and the relentless traffic of Toronto, to land safe and sound in our snug room (we opted out of camping in this kind of weather). I can already feel the peace of the road life moving through my body, spirit and mind.

As the wind tried to blow me off the road, tugging at the corners of my helmet, it occurred to me that no true adventure is without some adversity. Without it, you might never know you were really having one.


  1. Shannon says:

    I was thinking of you today. I didn’t even want to run to the store let alone set out on a motorcycle adventure. Glad you landed safe!!

    • Barely! The wind was so intense that I couldn’t even check my blind spots for fear of getting my head blown off. But nothing will stop this ultimate adventure!

  2. And it can only get better, right?!

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